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Beyond Basic Connectivity: Revolutionise Your Operations with High-Speed, Reliable Fibre Internet

Amaze NetFibre

Amaze NetFibre is your high-speed, enterprise-grade fibre internet connectivity solution, leveraging the power of fibre-optic technology to provide unmatched reliability and performance. Engineered for businesses that require robust and consistently fast internet connectivity, AmazeNetFibre brings you closer to a seamless operational experience.

Robust Security

A secure internet connection is non-negotiable for our clients who want to safeguard their critical business data. Our robust security protocols and firewalls make sure that your data remains un-compromised, giving you the peace of mind to focus on core business operations.


As businesses grow, so do their connectivity needs. Our clients are looking for solutions that can easily adapt to their scaling operations without requiring frequent overhauls. Our connectivity solutions are designed to grow with your business, providing easy options to scale up or down according to your requirements.


In an age where data is the new gold, our clients want to use it effectively for making informed decisions. Our powerful analytics tools, coupled with high-speed data transmission, enable you to gather and analyse data efficiently. This facilitates smarter, data-driven decisions that can set you apart from the competition.


More businesses are adopting sustainability goals. For many clients, a green approach is not just a nice-to-have feature but a necessity. Being 100% carbon neutral, we enable you to meet your sustainability goals without sacrificing performance or reliability.

Local Expertise

Our clients often require local expertise that understands the nuances of their particular market but can also think on a global scale. Our Australia-based team offers localised solutions while keeping a pulse on global technological trends.

Speed, Stability & Security

Features that Define Amaze's Fibre Internet Service

By integrating these features into your business operations, Amaze's NetFibre solution sets the stage for unparalleled efficiency, security, and growth potential. Partner with us to unlock a connectivity experience like never before.

Blazing Fast Speeds

Enjoy lightning-fast internet speeds that empower your business to run resource-intensive applications without a hitch.

99.9% Uptime

Experience virtually uninterrupted service thanks to our industry-leading SLAs. Don't let downtime affect your bottom line.

Secure Transmission

Robust encryption and multi-layered security protocols keep your data safe from unauthorised access and cyber threats.

Custom Bandwidths

Choose from a range of bandwidth options to suit your specific business needs. Pay only for what you use.

Low Latency

Experience superior quality video conferencing, faster file uploads, and real-time data analytics with our low-latency network.

Easy Scalability

Our services grow with you. Scale your connectivity needs seamlessly without needing to restructure your existing setup.

Our Approach

How Amaze's fibre internet elevated an Australian startup

In a highly competitive e-commerce landscape, a rising Australian startup was burdened with unreliable uptime, slow website performance, and inadequate data analytics. These challenges hindered growth and put the company at a disadvantage against well-established competitors.

Initial Consultation

The startup turned to Amaze for guidance and a reliable solution. During an in-depth initial consultation, our Technical Account Managers mapped out the specific challenges the startup was facing. We then tailored a connectivity solution package to their unique needs, proposing not just a service but a strategic partnership.


Amaze meticulously planned and executed the migration of the startup's operations to our high-speed Internet service. The transition was seamless, conducted over a weekend to minimise disruption. Leveraging our Sydney-based Data Center, we provided fast, localised data storage solutions, and a promise of 99.9% uptime.


As the startup flourished, its internet requirements grew more complex. Amaze's service effortlessly scaled to meet these new demands, enabling the startup to pivot and adapt in a dynamically changing market. Our flexible bandwidth and data storage options allowed them to be agile, focusing on growth rather than operational hiccups.

Strategic Advisory

Beyond the connectivity provision, Amaze took a consultative role in advising the startup on strategic tech decisions. From best practices in data security to implementing data analytics for more informed decision-making, we offered insights that prepared the company for future challenges and opportunities.


With Amaze's 99.9% uptime, the startup eliminated service interruptions, boosting customer satisfaction and sales. The service delivered rapid website load times, enhancing user experience and SEO. Amaze's adaptable services facilitated seamless scaling, while advanced data analytics empowered the startup with informed decision-making. The security of customer data was fortified with stringent protocols, and Amaze's carbon-neutral commitment resonated with the startup's sustainability objectives. This partnership transformed the startup from a market participant to a leader, cementing a relationship that transcends mere service to encompass strategic advisement.

Introduce Yourself

How would your business benefit from a faster connectivity solution?

The future is here, and it's powered by Amaze NetFibre connectivity solutions.

Whether you're a small business seeking to scale or a large enterprise aiming for unprecedented efficiencies, our experienced, Australia-based team is ready to guide you every step of the way.

Schedule a short 30-minute conversation here

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