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Managed IT

Navigating Technology Complexity with Ease: Your Strategic Partner in Managed IT Services.

Amaze TechSage

Amaze TechSage is a consultative managed IT service that harnesses the wisdom of seasoned IT expertise to guide your business through the modern technological landscape. As your trusted technology mentor, we craft solutions that seamlessly align your IT vision with your overarching business aspirations.

Streamlining Operations

Amaze TechSage meticulously assesses and refines your IT processes, eliminating redundancies and bottlenecks. By simplifying the intricacies of daily IT tasks, we empower businesses to redirect their energy and resources towards their core objectives, driving growth and innovation.

Enhancing Security Measures

Amaze TechSage prioritises the protection of critical data, implementing advanced security protocols. Beyond just defence mechanisms, we ensure that businesses remain compliant with ever-evolving legal and regulatory standards, fostering trust and integrity.

Performance & Reliability

Amaze TechSage is committed to optimizing IT systems for peak performance. We ensure that services are not only fast but also reliable, minimising downtime and ensuring that businesses can deliver consistently excellent experiences to their clients.

Scaling with Agility

As companies grow and markets evolve, the ability to scale IT infrastructure swiftly and efficiently becomes vital. Amaze TechSage offers solutions that are not only robust but also flexible, ensuring businesses can expand their operations without hitches, staying ahead in the competitive landscape.


Amaze TechSage understands the balance businesses seek between top-tier IT services and fiscal responsibility. We deliver solutions that provide exceptional value, ensuring that clients receive the best services without straining their financial resources.

Managed IT Solutions

Our Expertise - A Partnership for Success

Using powerful features, Amaze TechSage transforms managed IT services, helping businesses thrive. We make tricky tech easy, turning it into a tool for your success.

Flexible Plans & Packages

  • Bespoke Plans: Customised service plans that align with your business goals and technology needs.
  • Flexible Packages: Adaptable to different business sizes and sectors, catering to diverse requirements.

Real People, Real Solutions

  • Technical Account Managers: Access to expert, Australia-based support whenever you need it.
  • Real People, Real Solutions: No waiting in line, we prioritise your calls and understand your business intimately.

State-of-the-Art Technology

  • Latest Innovations: Continuous investment in cutting-edge technology ensures you stay ahead of the curve.
  • Integration Excellence: Integration with existing systems for a seamless, efficient experience.

Cost-Efficient Services

  • Competitive Pricing: Premium services at a great price, focusing on value without compromising quality.
  • Transparency: No hidden costs, full control, and access over your services without vendor lock-in or exorbitant fees.

100% Aussie Company

  • Local Knowledge: With our roots in Sydney, we have a finger on the pulse of the Australian technology market.
  • Sydney Data Centre: Proudly housing our very own data centre right here in Sydney, ensuring top-tier service and local data management for our clients.

Life-cycle Support

  • Proactive Monitoring: Constant surveillance of systems to preemptively address potential issues.
  • Full Lifecycle Support: From initial setup to ongoing optimisation and support, we manage it all.
Our Approach

Transforming an Australian healthcare provider

An established healthcare provider in Australia faced complex challenges in managing diverse IT systems across multiple locations. The fragmented approach led to security vulnerabilities, efficiency gaps, and scalability barriers. See how our managed IT solution aligned technology with their patient-centred mission.

Initial Consultancy

Amaze’s team delved deep into the healthcare provider's existing IT infrastructure, identifying unique challenges such as compliance needs and patient data protection. With a clear understanding of these pain points, we devised a strategic plan to navigate and overcome the identified technological hurdles.


In our first phase of engagement, we rolled out a range of Amaze's Managed IT Services. This included customised security protocols to safeguard patient confidentiality and ensure regulatory compliance, scalable solutions for anticipated growth and multi-location integration, and the assurance of 24/7 support through our local, dedicated Technical Account Managers.


As the healthcare provider's operations expanded, Amaze was right there, integrating newer services and technologies. This ensured the provider's agility in adopting the latest in healthcare technologies and practices. Moreover, we focused on consolidating services to achieve optimal cost efficiency without sacrificing quality.

Strategic Advisory

Our partnership was marked by regular consultations and vigilant monitoring. This led to the fine-tuning of services to match the ever-changing demands of the healthcare sector. Additionally, we ensured that all technological implementations were in harmony with the provider's overarching goal of prioritising patient care.


The healthcare provider's journey with Amaze's Managed IT Services culminated in a series of transformative benefits. They enjoyed enhanced security measures that not only protected patient data but also seamlessly met all regulatory benchmarks. The provider benefited from the flexibility and scalability of our solutions, allowing them to evolve without any operational hitches. Our transparent and competitive pricing ensured they received top-tier services without any hidden costs. Above all, our partnership ensured that their IT strategies were always in sync with their long-term vision and objectives in the healthcare domain.

Introduce Yourself

Would you like us to review your existing IT infrastructure?

Reach out and speak to one of our locally based technical account managers about how we might setup a review of your existing IT infrastructure.

Whether you're a small business seeking to scale or a large enterprise aiming for unprecedented efficiencies, our friendly, Australia-based team is ready to guide you every step of the way.

Schedule a short 30-minute conversation here

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