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Elevating Conversations: Transform Your Communications Landscape with Amaze's Voice (VoIP) Service

Amaze VoiceConnect

Amaze VoiceConnect is an enterprise-grade VoIP service and connectivity solution that offers exceptional reliability, scalability, and performance for your business communications. With features specifically designed to cater to the needs of modern companies, it goes beyond traditional voice services to provide a seamless and comprehensive telephony experience.

Dynamic VoIP Expansion

Your business isn't static, and neither should be your voice solutions. You aim for a scalable setup that grows with you. Amaze's VoiceConnect is inherently scalable, effortlessly accommodating your expanding team, new locations, and increasing call volumes.

Optimised VoIP Investment

The goal isn't just to save on operational costs but to make every dollar count. With our competitive pricing and absence of hidden charges, you get maximum ROI. The result is not just cost savings but cost effectiveness, aligning perfectly with your financial goals.

Crystal Clear Connectivity

Every dropped call is a missed opportunity. Reliability and voice clarity are paramount. Amaze's VoiceConnect employs state-of-the-art technology to ensure crystal-clear calls and an uptime you can rely on. We've got you covered so you can focus on closing deals, not dealing with dropped calls.

Secure VoIP Protocols

With an increasing number of security threats and stringent compliance requirements, you can't afford to take risks. Our VoIP service is fortified with robust security measures, ensuring your confidential discussions remain just that—confidential.

Unified VoIP Mobility

The modern workspace isn't confined to an office. You aim to enable your remote teams to communicate just as efficiently as your in-house staff. Our VoIP service offers features like mobile integration and easy remote setup, making geographic flexibility a reality.

The Amaze Difference

Features that Elevate Your VoIP Communications

Our VoiceConnect (VoIP) service isn't just another communication tool; it's a comprehensive suite designed to surpass your expectations.

Defined Voice Clarity

Quality communication is non-negotiable. Our high-definition codecs ensure that every conversation is as clear as if it were face-to-face.

Instant Scalability

Whether you’re onboarding a team of 10 or 100, our system scales in real-time to meet your needs. No delays, no bottlenecks; just seamless growth.

Low Cost Call Routing

Optimise your budget without compromising on quality. Our intelligent call routing finds the most cost-effective path for each call, whether local or international.

Secure and Compliant

Data breaches and compliance nightmares are a thing of the past. Our Voice service employs military-grade encryption and adheres to the strictest compliance standards.

Local Technical Support

Real people, real solutions. Our Australia-based support team isn’t just knowledgeable; they're also passionate about helping you resolve issues swiftly so that you can get back to business.

Unbeatable Reliability

With a guaranteed uptime that leaves competitors in the dust, you'll never have to worry about service outages affecting your bottom line again.

Our Approach

How Amaze's voice solution revamped communication infrastructure

In a logistics industry known for its high stakes and need for real-time decision-making, an Australia-based logistics company struggled with an outdated communication system that failed to keep pace with their growing demands. Dropped calls, poor voice clarity, and lack of scalability caused them not only lost opportunities but also operational hiccups that translated to financial losses.

Initial Consultation

Understanding the urgency, the logistics business reached out to Amaze for a consultative discussion. Our team at Amaze quickly identified the key pain points—scalability issues, unreliable service, and security vulnerabilities. This diagnosis was essential for developing a customised Voice solution to resolve the problems the business was facing.


Amaze implemented a pilot VoIP service for a subset of the businesses operations. The switch was seamless, requiring minimal downtime. Initial feedback was overwhelmingly positive—employees enjoyed clearer calls, and fewer dropped connections.


Satisfied with the initial results, the business rolled out Amaze's VoIP service across all its departments. Our instant scalability feature ensured a smooth transition, accommodating the company's extensive network of suppliers and clients.

Strategic Advisory

Throughout the engagement, Amaze provided strategic advisory services to optimise the utility of our Voice system further. We introduced robust analytics tools and set up customised reporting metrics. This empowered the company's decision-makers to identify bottlenecks in real-time and to strategise on-the-fly.


Dropped calls and other operational issues decreased by 98%, improving internal operations and customer satisfaction. Telecom expenditures were cut by 40% as a result of intelligent call routing. Strategic insights were made possible by real-time analytics, and their growing operations were facilitated by the system's scalability. The business has a stronger relationship with Amaze as a result of their increased perception of their communication system as a key business enhancer and the need for ongoing technical advice.

Introduce Yourself

How much is unreliable and non-secure communication technology really costing your business?

The future is here, and it's powered by Amaze VoiceConnect VoIP services and connectivity solutions.

Whether you're a small business seeking to scale or a large enterprise aiming for unprecedented efficiencies, our experienced, Australia-based team is ready to guide you every step of the way.

Schedule a short 30-minute conversation here

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