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Powerful, User-Friendly, Future-Ready: Cloud Computing Services with Amaze

Amaze CloudCore

Amaze CloudCore is a comprehensive, all-in-one cloud computing service engineered to drive business transformation and growth. We've harnessed the flexibility, security, and scalability of cloud technology to provide you with a robust platform that can handle everything from data storage and application hosting to advanced computing tasks.

Optimal Efficiency

Teaming up with Amaze for your IT needs lets you concentrate on what you do best. This sharpened attention can streamline your operations and pave the way for better productivity.

Flexibility to Scale

Using Amaze's cloud services, you can adjust your business operations to fit your current demands. This flexibility enables you to respond quickly to changes in the business environment.

Enhanced Security

Amaze's robust security measures protect businesses from various cyber threats. By entrusting data to Amaze, business can rest assured that sensitive business information is secure.

Cost Savings

Migrating to Amaze's cloud infrastructure can lead to significant cost savings. Your business can avoid large capital expenditures on hardware and software, instead opting for a pay-as-you-go model that aligns with your actual usage.


Amaze's cloud backup solutions ensure business continuity in the face of unexpected data loss or disasters. By safeguarding important data and ensuring its quick recovery, your business can minimise downtime and maintain business operations.

Distinctive by Design

The Key Features of Amaze CloudCore

High-Performance Infrastructure

Our cloud services are built on a state-of-the-art infrastructure, ensuring high-speed, reliable, and efficient operations for your business.

Easy Migration and Setup

We make the transition to the cloud as smooth as possible. Our team assists with migration, setup, and training to ensure your team can leverage our cloud services from day one.

Technical Account Managers

You'll have a dedicated Australian-based technical account manager who understands your business and its specific needs. They will provide tailored advice and support to ensure your technology strategy aligns with your business goals.

Robust Security

Amaze provides top-tier security measures to protect your sensitive business data. Our cloud services include advanced encryption, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular security audits to safeguard your information.

Scalable Solutions

As your business needs change, Amaze's cloud services adapt seamlessly. Whether you're growing rapidly or facing seasonal fluctuations, our solutions scale with your business, ensuring you only pay for what you use.

Our Approach

The Amaze cloud in action

Learn how Amaze revitalised a leading Australian retailer's digital strategy. Faced with aging infrastructure, obsolete POS systems, and inconsistent Internet connectivity, the retailer found it challenging to maintain a competitive edge.

Initial Consultation

We first identified the major pain points: outdated systems were hampering operational efficiency, unreliable Internet was disrupting store functionality, and there was a lack of actionable data insights. Armed with this understanding, we were able to custom-design a strategy aimed at overhauling their technological backbone.


Amaze began by stabilising the retailer's operations. We provided robust Internet connectivity solutions across all stores using VOIP, ethernet, and fibre services. This step ensured that the retail chain remained consistently online, a crucial foundation for further technological advancements.


Amaze then moved the retailer's servers to a secure cloud infrastructure using IaaS, eliminating hardware maintenance for the retailer. They also implemented DaaS for a consistent employee digital experience and used BaaS to ensure data safety and retrievability.

Strategic Advisory

Understanding the importance of real-time data for the retailer, Amaze facilitated access to valuable consumer and operational insights through their data centre services, including managed colocation. Amaze's dedicated Technical Account Managers (TAMs) were always available to provide strategic counsel, share expertise, and ensure the retailer's digital transformation journey was smooth and successful.


We replaced their outdated POS software with a modern, efficient system, and stabilised their operations by implementing a reliable Internet connectivity solution. Additionally, our transition of their physical servers to a cloud-based infrastructure and the introduction of Desktop as a Service empowered their staff to work seamlessly, regardless of location. With the secure cloud backup and real-time data analytics, they now have both data security and valuable insights at their fingertips. Consequently, they have transformed into a nimble, data-driven organisation, fully equipped to navigate the future.

Introduce Yourself

We can help you solve technology challenges, reduce costs and improve performance.

Whether you're a small business seeking to scale or a large enterprise aiming for unprecedented efficiencies, our friendly, experienced Australia-based technical team is ready to guide you every step of the way.

Reach out to speak with our technology team

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