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Desktop as a Service (DaaS)

Beyond Traditional Desktops: Revolutionise Your Workspace with Seamless and Efficient DaaS

Amaze DeskCloud

Amaze DeskCloud is more than just a virtual desktop; it's an entire workspace experience designed to unshackle you from the limitations of physical hardware. This cloud-based DaaS solution offers you an ultra-secure, high-performance, and infinitely scalable virtual environment where you can access all your applications, files, and data—right from the cloud. The best part? It's all just a click away.

Business Continuity & Mobility

Ensure your team can work from anywhere, anytime keeping your business operating irrespective of external factors or location constraints.

Data Integrity & Compliance

Safeguard your business data ensuring data protection, regulatory compliance, and the maintaining of customer trust.

Cost Management & Efficiency

A flexible pricing model aligned with the goal of optimising operational costs while ensuring scalability as the business grows.

Technological Innovation

Access to the latest technology allows your business to continue to drive innovation, staying competitive, and ensuring your business is always leveraging the best tools available.

Simplified IT Management

Streamline IT operations and improve efficiency, reducing complexities, and allowing the IT team to focus on strategic, value-added initiatives.

Sustainability & Brand Image

Amaze’s DaaS Application: As a 100% carbon-neutral company, partnering with Amaze supports your commitment to environmentally responsible business practices.

Power, Flexibility, Control: Features that Define Amaze's DaaS

Dive deeper into what sets Amaze’s DaaS apart. It's not just about accessing a desktop from anywhere; it's about empowering your business with tools that drive efficiency and innovation.

Seamless Accessibility

Multi-Device Support: Access your desktop from any device, be it a laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

Remote Work Enablement: Keep your team productive with a consistent experience, regardless of location.

Security & Compliance

Data Encryption & Backup: Safeguard your data with robust encryption and regular backups.

Compliance Standards Adherence: Meet industry-specific compliance requirements effortlessly.

Scalable & Customisable

On-Demand Scaling: Adjust resources as your business grows or shrinks.

Tailored Solutions: Choose from a variety of desktop configurations to meet your specific needs.

Cost-Efficient Management

Pay-As-You-Go Model: Pay for only what you use without unnecessary capital expenditure.

Centralised Management: Simplify administration and reduce IT overhead.

High Performance & Reliability

Premium Technology: Benefit from the latest virtualisation technologies for optimal performance.

99.9% Uptime Guarantee: Ensures uninterrupted business operations.

Localised Support & Consultation

Technical Account Managers: Real people who understand your business, available when you need them.

Consultative Technology Approach: Strategic guidance tailored to your specific pain points and challenges.

Our Approach

Revolutionising Remote Collaboration

A thriving start-up specialising in fintech was struggling with fragmented IT infrastructure and escalating costs. With a remote team spread across different locations, maintaining consistent performance and security became challenging. The company needed an agile and scalable solution to support its growth and ever-changing demands.

Initial Consultation

Amaze's seasoned experts delved into a comprehensive review of the start-up's existing IT setup. They pinpointed challenges like restricted access, scalability hurdles, and soaring capital costs. Given these insights, a bespoke strategy was charted out, centring on the integration of Amaze's DaaS offering.


Amaze seamlessly integrated its DaaS solution into the start-up's operations. This ensured uniform access for the geographically scattered team, bolstered by stringent security protocols. Furthermore, the solution was tailored with virtual desktop setups to cater to the varied roles within the enterprise, all while ensuring a seamless amalgamation with the start-up's current tools and software.


As the start-up's footprint expanded, Amaze's DaaS nimbly scaled to match their burgeoning demands. Onboarding new team members became a breeze, and resources were fine-tuned to ensure peak performance at all times.

Strategic Advisory

Amaze's commitment didn't end with implementation. Dedicated Technical Account Managers were at the helm, guaranteeing uninterrupted operations and proffering insights for iterative enhancement. Routine surveillance and fine-tuning became cornerstones of the service, mirroring the start-up's fluid needs.


The transformative impact of Amaze's DaaS left it's mark in the start-up's operations. Collaboration saw a significant boost with a unified platform fostering enhanced teamwork amongst members. Security was fortified with cutting-edge measures, ensuring the sanctity of critical data. Economically, the start-up benefited from a transition to a pay-as-you-use model, which considerably slashed capital expenditures. Moreover, the start-up found itself in a position of enhanced agility, able to nimbly pivot to new avenues and challenges without any hitches.

Introduce Yourself

Empower Your Workforce with Amaze DeskCloud: Secure, Scalable, and Seamlessly Accessible.

Whether you're a small business looking to scale up or a large enterprise striving for greater efficiency, our experienced, Australia-based team is here to support you with our Desktop as a Service (DaaS) solution every step of the way.

Schedule a short 30-minute conversation here

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