January 10, 2019

What’s the Difference Between Virtualisation and Cloud Computing?

Virtualisation and cloud computing may sound like a similar thing, especially if you are not well-versed with either of the two and how they work.  However, each one has a broader definition that can significantly affect your business decisions.

To make you understand the difference between the two, let’s dig deep into their definition and learn their respective function.


Virtualisation is the process of creating a virtual set up of a physical hardware such as an operating system, storage device, server or network resources. This software technology allows you to run multiple operating systems and applications simultaneously on the same machine while separating compute environments from physical infrastructures. Virtualisation is an effective medium for businesses to reduce their IT costs while improving flexibility, efficiency and utilisation of their physical devices.

Apart from that, deploying virtualisation technology into servers allows software developers to test their applications on different virtual environments without having to switch to multiple computer hardware. In case, the application crashes on the virtual platform, they can close and restart the virtual machine to a previous state without affecting the function of computer hardware.


  • Instead of using and maintaining multiple servers, you can leverage the available resources of a single server to suit multiple purposes.
  • Setup costs of virtual platforms is comparatively low
  • Since a single server can be used to perform varied functions, the cost of IT hardware is low with virtualisation.
  • Virtual machines are easier to set up than physical infrastructures, which contributes to uptime maximisation.
  • Virtual set ups work well with the low-speed network access.
  • Desktop virtualisation enables users to virtualise the whole system by a single click.


Cloud computing is a service whose foundation is formed by virtualisation. Virtualisation can exist without the cloud, but cloud computing cannot exist without virtualisation.

Cloud computing allows companies to run and access complex applications and massive company resources via the Internet.

In short, cloud computing is the on-demand delivery of compute power, database storage, applications and other IT resources through a cloud service platform on the internet.


  • Using cloud computing for applications is cost-efficient.
  • The service is reliable for backup and recovery.
  • It provides access to all users without any limitation.
  • Depending on your cloud computing service provider, your system will be regularly updated with latest technology.
  • It allows employees to be more flexible in their workplace.



DEFINITION Virtualisation is a piece of technology that makes up cloud computing. Cloud computing is a service that is powered by virtualisation.
PURPOSE Create multiple virtual environments with the help of one physical hardware system. Leverage virtual resources on the internet to provide access to data as per user demand.
USE Packaged resources are delivered to specific users for detailed purpose. Variable resources are delivered to a group of users for varied purpose.
CONFIGURATION Uses image Uses template
LIFE-SPAN Long term technology that can be used for years. Usually considered as a short-term service that lasts up to a few hours to months.
COST High capital expenditure, low operating expenses. PRIVATE CLOUD: High capital expenditure, low operating expenses                              PUBLIC CLOUD: Low capital expenditure, high operating expenses.
SCALABILITY Virtual machines configuration limits its scalability Cloud can be extended as much as you want.
WORKLOAD Stateful, keeps tracks of the information. Stateless, doesn’t keep the record of the information.


Single tenant, which means a single instance of a software application and supporting infrastructure serves one customer. Multiple tenants allow users to share computing resources in a public or a private cloud
USE CASES Virtual Machines

Virtual Applications

Virtual Resources

Software as a service

Platform as a service

Infrastructure as a service

CORE ATTRIBUTES Hardware Independence


On-demand service

Resource pooling

Rapid elasticity

Measured service


SETUP Simple to set up a virtual environment Setting up cloud is tedious
ACCESSIBILITY Permission is required for accessing from outside the network. Can be accessed from all over the world

Today, cloud computing plays an important part in our everyday life. It benefits users and businesses by allowing them to sharing resources and information in a hassle-free manner. Besides, with a fast, reliable connection to the internet, cloud computing can make a huge difference with minimal technology investment.In addition, it is already been predicted that most organisations and individuals will be living in the cloud by 2020.For more scalable, powerful cloud hosting solutions that are specifically designed to grow your business, contact Australia’s best web hosting company Amaze. We offer on-demand cloud computing infrastructure that can handle all your business needs.

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